Dr. Campbell-McBride speaking about type-1 diabetes at the 2011 Wise Traditions Conference in London.
“I have many patients, many children, with diabetes type-1 who recover fully and beautifully,” said Dr. Campbell- McBride at the Wise Traditions 2011, 12th Annual Conference. “Research shows that [the] pancreas has a beautiful ability to regenerate.”
Many would denounce such claims of curing type-1 diabetes as coming from a quack doctor. But Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s impressive credentials weren’t awarded from a mail order course in natural medicine.According to her website’s about page, she graduated from medical school in Russia with a Masters in Neurology. She practiced as a neurologist for five years and a neurosurgeon for three years. Later moving to the United Kingdom she added a Masters in Human Nutrition to her credentials. She practices out of a clinic in Cambridge.
“So in type-1 diabetes,” she continues in her 2011 lecture, “pancreatic cells are attacked… And these are the cells, in the islets of Langerhans, that produce insulin.”
Mainstream medicine, so far, would agree. John Hopkins Autoimmune Research Center, for example, says that type-1 diabetes is an “inflammatory auto-immune condition.” In other words, the body is producing antibodies which destroy the cells of the pancreas.
Conventional medicine still has no explanation for why the body is attacking the insulin-producing islets (or how to stop it),
Dr. Campbell-McBride, however, has her own explanation and solution: Diabetes type-1, like all auto-immune conditions, is caused by undigested food passing through the damaged walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. Certain undigested food particles (mainly proteins) either mimic the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas or attach themselves to the pancreas. The immune system sees these undigested food particles as a danger to the body and produce antibodies. These antibodies, in the process of attacking the undigested food particles, also attack the cells of pancreas.
The situation, as she explains in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome, may be compounded by other substances leaking through the small intestine into the bloodstream, including: bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, parasites, toxic chemicals and toxic waste byproducts of unhealthy gut microbe.
She calls this condition Gut and Physiology Syndrome. She sees it as the cause of not only type-1 diabetes but all autoimmune, immune and inflammatory diseases.
“Hippocrates, all those thousands of years ago, made a statement that all diseases begin in the gut,” said Dr. Campbell-McBride in an interview with Dr. Mercola. “And the more we learn now, with our modern scientific tools, the more we realize just how correct [Hippocrates] was… Every disease begins in the gut… We are talking about autoimmunity, multiple sclerosis and diabetes type-1 and rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and osteoarthritis and all other autoimmune conditions. ”
Dr. Campbell-McBride’s solution sounds all too simple for some, as she asserts in her 2011 lecture: “As soon as we heal and seal the gut lining, we stop that flow of immune-triggering [substances] into the bloodstream [and the] pancreas regenerates. I have many patients, many children, with type-1 diabetes who recover fully and beautifully, once you heal and seal the gut lining. So it’s not an incurable condition at all. And it’s not a life sentence of having insulin injections.”
Those looking for a pill to cure type-1 diabetes in one gulp won’t find it offered by Dr. Campbell-McBride. To produce this healing of the gut lining she has developed a special diet and treatment protocol. Using an earlier version of the same program she says she was able to cure her son of autism. She then wrote a book called Gut and Pyschology Syndrome, which explains how to follow the GAPS protocol and cure diseases of the brain.
“I know that my book is called Gut and Psychology Syndrome,” says Dr. Campbell-McBride. “So a person with multiple sclerosis [or type-1 diabetes] isn’t going to pick it up and read it… I’m working on the second book, Gut and Physiology Syndrome… But please don’t wait for it. Still read the Gut and Psychology Syndrome [if you have] physiological conditions. The treatment protocol in that book is appropriate for your condition, 100%.”
While the GAPS treatment may be effective, it’s certainly not a overnight cure. “A ten-year old should recover quite quickly,” said Dr. Campbell-McBride at Wise Traditions 2011. “I’d imagine a couple of years… The only thing is to watch the insulin injections because you can bring the blood sugar too low…
“The regeneration will happen. They will find that they need less and less of a dose. Not as often, perhaps. Reduce it to two doses a day, or perhaps even one. And, gradually, they’ll find that they don’t need it that much. But the tailing off of insulin can take six months — it can take a while, particularly with an adult.
“That’s what a lot of patients find — they have to keep on reducing and reducing the dose and eventually they can do without it.”
My type-1 diabetic wife, Nicole Manley, has decided to give Dr. Campbell-McBride’s program a two-year trial run. She’s been following the protocol since April 2013.
“It’s really not much of a stretch from Dr. Bernstein’s low-carbohydrate that I was already following,” says Nicole. “Even if it wasn’t successful in curing me of three decades of type-1 diabetes, I’m hoping it will help eliminate many of the complications of diabetes.”
Through our blog at www.diabeticdharma.com we’ll keep readers posted on Nicole’s application of Dr. Campbell-McBride’s GAPS treatment protocol and the results we see.
In the FAQ document for her GAPS program Dr. Campbell-McBride says: “In my experience, as the patient progresses through the treatment, he or she is able to slowly reduce the dose of insulin and in many cases to stop the injections altogether… Once better, as long as the person continues to stick to [a] low-carbohydrate, nourishing diet for the rest of his or her life, the diabetes should never return.”
Until her forthcoming book Gut and Physiology Syndrome is published, Dr. Campbell-McBride’s Gut and Psychology Syndrome is the book to guide those interested in applying her GAPS protocol towards treating type-1 diabetes. Copies are available from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk.