Another Reason to Fast–So I Can Stop Dialysis

# days ago I sent you the first letter John wrote after being denied dialysis. This is a great reason to continue fasting so I can get away from being manipulated into having medical treatments I don’t want.

I would like to make my own choices.

Here is the second letter on John’s blog. Plus, the response to his first letter from the CEO.

The Third letter will arrive tomorrow in your email box. Again to see facts that are backed by science please visit John’s website and read about why masks could have a detrimental effects to your health including your dental hygiene.

If you have the inclination subscribe to John’s website. You have seen how well John researches and backs his (science with citations). Just look at his past articles on done on Diabetic Dharma. The past years show how thorough he is.

And to let everyone know there is not a law yet in Ontario saying I have to wear a mask. I want everyone to understand that there is No science backing up wearing a mask. Please take the time to research this before making statements that could be harmful to others.
