Some days I did not think I would get here. And yet I did. 10 without food.
I just made a reservation at McDonald’s for 8am tomorrow morning to have an egg McMuffin.
Just joking. I broke my fast with some vegetable broth tonight to bring my electrolytes up (as dialysis it lowers them). Tomorrow and Sunday I will eat organic watermelon. Probably 4 small meals of it. Watermelon is a diuretic so will benefit my kidneys. Plus it has many other benefits for eyes, liver, heart and helping heal sores. Then Monday will start with some small meals of rice and vegetables.
This morning I had a dream with a Dagwood sandwich. Looked yummy even though I don’t even eat meat. But it looks like it would take a long time to consume the sandwich and even a longer time digesting it.. Here is a sample photograph (taken by EncycloPetey):

“A Dagwood sandwich,” explains its creator. “The sandwich took 43 minutes to construct and partially toppled twice during construction. The final weight of the sandwich was 5 pounds 4 ounces (2.4 kilograms). Contents of the sandwich include: 1 lb. bread (whole grain) 1 lb. 4 oz. chicken salad (10 oz. chicken, 6 oz. grapes, 4 oz. mayonaisse) 9 oz. sliced turkey 8 oz. roast beef 8 oz. pastrami 9 oz, cheese (4 oz. cheddar, 5 oz. Muenster) 7 oz. tomato 4 oz. mustard 5 leaves of butter lettuce 1 olive The sandwich took just under two hours to consume.”
Moving on to what I have been experiencing in the last day: Cough is so much better, arthritis has lessened, no diarrhea, about 5-7 ml urine output, infections better, sores aren’t healed. Headache last night and blood pressure kept dropping during dialysis. Cold all the time–wearing a snowsuit now.
Two things I will not do during next month’s fast is, instead of 3 days, only 2 days of dialysis during the last 5 days of fasting. And lower Tresiba quicker after the first 4 days. I will only correct with humalog.
Blood sugars today: Started with a 4.4 mmol/l (79.2 mg/dl) then it slowly kept creeping up. Last night, before bed it was 6 mmol/l (108 mg/dl). In the morning it was 8 mmol/l (144 mg/dl), as a correction I gave 0.5 units erring on too little (just in case I was very sensitive to insulin). I wasn’t. Within 7 hours (been up since 3:30am) it rose to 8.2 mmol/l (147.6 mg/dl). Yesterday I took no insulin–which was nice. Today I took 1.5 units so far…day hasn’t ended.
I have mixed feelings of ending the fast. Why you ask? Because I am of two minds. One part of the mind is saying, “Yeah, I can eat some good tasting food.” The other part is saying, “I like feeling empty in my abdomen and doing other things than eating.” So part of me could go on. But I won’t this month. I have 20 days to eat before the next fast on October 1.
I toasted you all as I drank my cup of broth tonight.