Compound Discomfort: How to Avoid the Diabetic Repo Man

“Believe it or not, many times you have to make
a person temporarily feel worse to get him better.”
– Dr. Paul Eck, Healthview Newsletter, 1981

After 28 years of thyroid insufficiency, Nicole’s blood work now shows normal levels of TSH, T3 and T4. She has been gaining 1% kidney function every 4 months (based on her eGFR). Her HgbA1C – at 5.0% – is better than the majority of non-diabetics. And her last hair mineral analysis showed that her adrenal function is no longer underactive.

At the same time, her restless legs syndrome continues. She’s acquired a chronic cough. Nausea plagues her. She vomits at least three time a week. Her head often burns like she uses battery acid for shampoo. Her skin itches and breaks out in rotating rashes. All these things disturb her sleep and her appetite. She feels chronically exhausted. Some days she needs help walking.

So she’s getting better and feeling worse. What’s going on?

According to my research, there are two factors that explain these contradicting circumstances.

Now that my wife’s thyroid and adrenals are back online, her body can produce and use energy better. And what is the body doing with that energy? It’s healing. It’s detoxifying. It tearing down diseased tissue. It’s grabbing onto chemicals, infections and heavy metals and escorting them out as fast it can.

Imagine you had a credit card debt of $20,000 with 19.85% compound interest each year. You were working at a job that produced $18,000 year. Suddenly you get a job that pays $120,000. What are going to do with that money? Buy a new car? Take a vacation? No way (I hope). You’re going to pay off that debt.

Since Nicole’s kidneys are out of order, paying down that debt is hard work. Imagine that new high high-paying job involves 12-hour shifts on an oil rig 150km north of Iceland in February.

All these “symptoms” can either be looked at as signs of ill-health or a return to health.  Nicole’s body is finally able to deal with the degenerative state it is in. Instead of avoiding the debt, it’s paying it off. When you’re paying down debt, you’re not ignoring or hiding it.

I believe most type-1 diabetics are not aware how sick they really are. In order to continue with a normal life they put their bodies under enormous amounts of stress. Stress hormones include dopamine, which makes you feel good even if you’re doing poorly. Also, stress fires up the adrenal medulla which suppresses detoxification and cell repair – stealing energy from vital functions so you can mow the lawn.

Stress is like me taking out a loan, while neglecting the rent. I’d suddenly feel rich. Or at least, much better off.

But that loan will max. My landlords will issue an eviction notice. I won’t be feeling so rich anymore. Same with the body. Take away the chronic stress and it can’t help hide how sick it is.

And when you’re broke, plus have debt, you need to find creative ways to make money and get by. You take the bus to work or grow your own vegetables. Likewise, Nicole’s body is finding creative ways to deal with her health debt. Nicole’s rashes appear to be caused by the body using her skin to remove toxins. Her biology has hijacked her lungs, turning them into a gaseous dialysis machine. The nausea, diarrhea and vomiting is a result of her body using her gastrointestinal tract to release toxins.

Our medical system focuses on the suppression of symptoms. Pain, coughs, fatigue, rashes… there’s a pill or treatment that will stop them. But what has been the result of decades of symptom suppression? Ever growing numbers of chronically sick people. Mounting health debt. Suppress the chronic discomfort and it reappears as chronic pain or some other disability.

Sure, if we are in a tight squeeze, maybe charging a credit card once and a while is okay. Likewise, with some medications. But if we keep on charging that card or neglecting payments on our car… one day the repo man shows up. He drives off with the SUV. He takes the house. He empties the bank account. In the old days, they’d even break our legs.

The Diabetic Repo man is much worse. He drives off with your nervous system. He takes your kidneys or your eyes. He empties your body of energy. And instead of breaking legs, he amputates them.

Likewise, Nicole has lived with type-1 diabetes for 39 years.  There’s a lot of compound interest going on here. The diabetic repo man has already visited a few times.

Things are changing now. Thanks to a combination of targeted supplements, strengthening diet, liver cleanses and sauna therapy, Nicole’s body has started to pay off the health debt. While it’s heart-breaking at times to deal with such compound discomfort, it’s the only way we know to avoid biological bankruptcy.

Our society shuns discomfort. We’re encouraged to avoid immediate discomfort for future suffering. But why not the reverse? Why not endure immediate discomfort for future benefits?

Case in point: Nicole’s suffered the most in the last two months. Notwithstanding,  her most recent blood work shows that her creatinine level has dropped. And not just a little. 181 μmol/L (2.0 mg/dL)! This means – based on an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) – that she’s recovered 3% kidney function since September 3rd. You can see the progression below. Click on the dates to view the actual lab tests.

  • 3% – 1,110 μmol/L (12.6 mg/dL) on December 4, 2014
  • 4% – 999 μmol/L (11.3 mg/dL) on January 8, 2015
  • 4% – 922 μmol/L (10.4 mg/dL) on February 15, 2015
  • 4% – 869 μmol/L (9.8 mg/dL) on March 3, 2015
  • 4% – 828 μmol/L (9.4 mg/dL) on June 10, 2015
  • 4% – 841  μmol/L (9.5 mg/dL) on July 7, 2015
  • 5% – 745 μmol/L (8.4 mg/dL) on July 30, 2015
  • 5% – 701 μmol/L (7.9 mg/dL) on September 3, 2015
  • 8% – 520 μmol/L (5.9 mg/dL) on November 5, 2015

In exchange for some regular payments to her health account, Nicole’s seeing a very positive return. Instead of recovering only 1% kidney function over a four-month period, she’s done it in a one-month period.  As with financial debt, as the compound interest decreases, we can pay the debt off quicker.

Maybe our society needs to change its attitude about discomfort? “…by 2030 depression will be the leading cause of  disease burden globally,” according to a report from the World Health Organization. If compound discomfort is not even making us happier, what’s the point?

For more about how Nicole recovered her thyroid function you can read Thyroid Healed: T4, T3 and TSH in Normal Range After 28 Years of Severe Insufficiency. To find out more about the healing protocols she uses please read Type-1 Diabetic Moves From Nutritional Balancing to Biochemical Restoration.